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CBRN Security

CBRN refers to weaponized or non-weaponized chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials. The Global Partnership is committed to preventing trafficking of these materials.

The Global Partnership CBRN Security Working Group

CBRN refers to weaponized or non-weaponized chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials that can cause significant harm.  

While CBRN threats are all very different – with each requiring unique approaches, strategies and solutions that are dealt with by separate GP working groups – there is nonetheless commonality across the CBRN spectrum that lends itself to collective consideration and action.  

United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1540




Andrea GLORIA, Lt. Col.

Head of the Technical Operational Unit

Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Office

MFA, Italy

In accordance with and support of United Nations Security Resolution (UNSCR) 1540, Global Partnership members are committed to mitigating CBRN threats, and to assisting partner countries around the world to prevent, detect and respond to all manner of incidents.

On 28 April 2004, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1540 (2004) under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter which affirms that the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery constitutes a threat to international peace and security.

UNSCR 1540 obliges States, inter alia, to:

    Refrain from supporting by any means non-State actors from developing, acquiring, manufacturing, possessing, transporting, transferring, or using nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons and their delivery systems

Resolution 1540 imposes binding obligations on all States to:

  • Adopt legislation to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and their means of delivery
  • Establish appropriate domestic controls over related materials to prevent illicit trafficking

UNSCR 1540 also encourages enhanced international cooperation on such efforts.

Through the CBRNWG, Global Partnership members coordinate efforts and share best practices related to UNSCR 1540 implementation assistance, the European Union (EU) CBRN Centres of Excellence (COE), CBRN security culture and other topics of cross cutting nature.


Andrea GLORIA, Lt. Col.

Head of the Technical Operational Unit

Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation Office

MFA, Italy