The Global Partnership, an international forum for coordination and delivery of programming to prevent CBRN terrorism and proliferation, follows a set of Principles and Guidelines that were established at the 2002 Kananaskis Summit.
The Global Partnership operates based on the following six core principles:
Develop and maintain appropriate effective measures to account for and secure such items in production, use, storage and domestic and international transport; provide assistance to states lacking sufficient resources to account for and secure these items.
Develop and maintain appropriate effective physical protection measures applied to facilities which house such items, including defence in depth; provide assistance to states lacking sufficient resources to protect their facilities.
Develop and maintain effective border controls, law enforcement efforts and international cooperation to detect, deter and interdict in cases of illicit trafficking in such items, for example through installation of detection systems, training of customs and law enforcement personnel and cooperation in tracking these items; provide assistance to states lacking sufficient expertise or resources to strengthen their capacity to detect, deter and interdict in cases of illicit trafficking in these items.
Develop, review and maintain effective national export and transshipment controls over items on multilateral export control lists, as well as items that are not identified on such lists but which may nevertheless contribute to the development, production or use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and missiles, with particular consideration of end-user, catch-all and brokering aspects; provide assistance to states lacking the legal and regulatory infrastructure, implementation experience and/or resources to develop their export and transshipment control systems in this regard.
Adopt and strengthen efforts to manage and dispose of stocks of fissile materials designated as no longer required for defence purposes, eliminate all chemical weapons, and minimize holdings of dangerous biological pathogens and toxins, based on the recognition that the threat of terrorist acquisition is reduced as the overall quantity of such items is reduced.
The Global Partnership convenes twice annually as the Global Partnership Working Group (GPWG)
Principles and Guidelines
How We Work
The Global Partnership is an international forum for coordination of projects to prevent CBRN terrorism and proliferation
Terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) is one of the gravest threats to international peace and security
Why We Work
The Global Partnership utilizes the following set of nine guidelines for New or Expanded Cooperation Projects. Cooperation projects under this initiative will be decided and implemented, taking into account international obligations and domestic laws of participating partners, within the appropriate bilateral and multilateral legal frameworks that should, as necessary, include the following elements: