This page is regularly updated to feature recent Global Partnership-related news items.
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Recent News & Statements
CEPI Biosecurity Strategy (September 2024)
WHO Newsletter on Responsible Sciences and Emerging Technologies (July 2024)
New ASEAN Women’s Network for Biosafety and Biosecurity, with support from Canada (June 2024)
WHO Laboratory Biosecurity Guidance, with support from US DTRA (June 2024)
World Health Assembly adopts Resolution on Strengthening Laboratory Biological Risk Management (May 2024)
Play Biorisk Adventure, an online biological risk learning tool from IFBA, with support from Canada (May 2024)
Save the date: Global Voices Conference, Celebrating Diversity in Biosafety & Biosecurity, 22-24 January, 2025, Arusha, Tanzania (May 2024)
The Viral Most Wanted, a CEPI synopsis of viruses that put humanity at greatest risk (April 2024)
Joint GP-Africa CDC Press Release on Strengthening Surveillance in Africa, a SIMBA Collaboration (March 2024)
WHO Fact Sheet on Deliberate Events (March 2024)
WHO Q&A on Disinformation (March 2024)
WHO Q&A on Cyber-attacks on critical health infrastructure (March 2024)
WOAH Conducts Biosafety and Biosecurity Training for Enhanced Biorisk Management (February 2024)
Launch of Bachelor of Science in Biosafety & Biosecurity Degree Program in Kenya, a SIMBA project supported by Canada (February 2024)
WOAH turns 100: A century of improving animal health and welfare (January 2024)
IFBA launches new Biosafety/Biosecurity Program for Latin America/Caribbean, with support from Canada (January 2024)
Laboratory accidents and biocontainment breaches: Policy options for improved safety and security, Chatham House (December 2023)
Laboratory-acquired infections and pathogen escapes worldwide between 2000 and 2021: a scoping review, published in The Lancet with support from Canada (December 2023)
WHO Newsletter on Responsible Sciences and Emerging Technologies (December 2023)
Animated Video on Concepts Related to Dual-Use and Export Controls, produced by the Netherlands (December 2023)
GP & WOAH Collaboration to Identify Innovative Solutions for Biosecurity Labs (November 2023)
Canada announces $14M in biosecurity programming in support of Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biothreats in Africa (November 2023)
WOAH Director General’s Remarks on the Grand Challenge: Planning for Sustainable Biocontainment Diagnostic Laboratories (November 2023)
UNODA holds regional workshop on BTWC Universalization and implementation in Western Africa (November 2023)
A Cost–Benefit Analysis of Preparing National Veterinary Services, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (November 2023)
Investment in biosafety and biosecurity: the need for a risk-based approach, The Lancet (September 2023)
CEPI and Canada deepen collaboration to strengthen international biosecurity (September 2023)
New Species of Trouble: Global collaboration on biosecurity and pandemic preparedness is vital, article by SIMBA contributors Wilmot James and Peter Babigumira Ahabwe (September 2023)
New ASEAN-Canada Strategic Partnership highlights Mitigation of Biological Threats Programme (September 2023)
Canada commits $12.6 million to mitigate biological and nuclear threats in ASEAN Region (September 2023)
UN Under-Secretary General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu, delivers opening remarks at the Working Group on the strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Full transcript available here (August 2023)
Animal Agrocrime: An Overlooked Biological Threat, a WOAH-FAO-INTERPOL collaboration, funded by Canada (August 2023)
Health Security Partnership to Strengthen Disease Surveillance in Africa, with support from Canada and Germany (July 2023)
2023 Emerging Technologies and Scientific Innovations: A Global Public Health Perspective, a report by WHO supported by Canada (July 2023)
UK Biological Security Strategy (June 2023)
Enhancing preparedness for deliberate biological threats through simulation exercises, a WOAH video produced with support from Canada (April 2023)
Bringing the Security and Animal Health Sectors One Step Closer, World Organization for Animal Health (April 2023)
Global Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Equipment Management and Sustainability and Implications for Pandemic Preparedness, published in EID Journal, Volume 29, Number 4 (April 2023)
UNSGM experts join training course on biological crime scene management, with funding from Canada and Spain (March 2023)
Launch of the Grand Challenge for Sustainable Laboratories (February 2023)
OAS and European Union Collaborate with Uruguay to establish National BWC Authority (January 2023)
Portugal highlights Africa Signature Initiative with the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (February 2023)
Options for Article X of the BTWC: UNIDIR Report, with support from Norway (February 2023)
German Presidency Statement on conclusion of 9th BTWC Review Conference (December 2022)
GP Statement to Introduce BTWC Article X Compendium 9th BTWC Review Conference (December 2022)
International Activities of GP Member Countries related to Article X of the BTWC (2017-2022) (December 2022)
GP Statement to 9th BTWC Review Conference (November 2022)
WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics (November 2022)
Addressing the Global Shortage of Biosafety & Biosecurity Professionals through Education: Establishment of a New Undergraduate Degree Program (October 2022)
Statement by Susanne Baumann (State Secretary, German Federal Foreign Office) at Conference on Current Biosecurity Challenges (Berlin, 7 October 2022)
Global Partnership Declaration on Biological Security: Berlin Lines of Action (October 2022)
WHO launches Global Guidance Framework for the Responsible Use of Life Sciences, with support from Canada’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program (September 2022)
Contribution of Cooperative Threat Reduction Partnerships to Global Health Security (August 2022)
Back to the Future for Verification in the Biological Disarmament Regime? A publication by UNIDIR (June 2022)
Complementarity of International Instruments in the Field of Biosecurity, an article in Frontiers in Public Health co-authored by experts from The Netherlands (June 2022)
Kenya launches Bachelor of Science in Biosafety and Biosecurity, with support from GP member Canada (June 2022)
The role of Veterinary Services in Emergency Management, a video from the World Organization for Animal Health (May 2022)
Operationalising Article VII of the Biological Weapons Convention, a publication by UNODA with support from Japan (May 2022)
Launch of Biosecurity Central, a publicly available web-based library for biosecurity tools and resources (March 2022)
SARS-CoV-2: International Investigation Under the WHO or BWC, an article in Public Health Policy (March 2022)
The Biological Weapons Convention: An Introduction (December 2021)
Video Highlights from Conference on Engaging Public Representatives in Biosecurity and Pandemic Preparedness, featuring comments from Honourable Joseph Phaahla (Minister of Health, South Africa), Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus Adhanom (Director General, WHO), Dr. Monique Eloit (Director General, OIE), Sir Jeremy Farrar (Wellcome Trust) and Honourable Pravin Gordhan (Minister of State Enterprises, South Africa) (November 2021)
GP statement on the Signature Initiative to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) Meeting of States Parties (November 2021)
Principles for Strengthening Biological Security in Africa, in support of the GP Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biological Threats in Africa (November 2021)
Engaging Public Representatives in Biosecurity and Pandemic Preparedness, opening session recording (November 2021)
Emerging Technologies and Dual-use Concerns: A Horizon Scan, from the World Health Organization with support from Canada (November 2021)
Ensuring responsible use of life sciences research and technologies, a video from World Health Organization, with support from Canada (October 2021)
Science and Technology Foresight for Global Health, a video from World Health Organization, with support from Canada (October 2021)
Mosaic of Women Champions in Global Biosafety and Biosecurity, a video from the International Federation of Biosafety Associations, with support from Canada (October 2021)
South-to-south mentoring as a vehicle for implementing sustainable health security in Africa, International Federation of Biosafety Associations, with support from Canada’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program. One Health Outlook volume 3, Article number: 20 (October 2021)
Systematic approach towards establishing a National Inventory of Dangerous Pathogens, a contribution from The Netherlands as published in Global Health Action, Volume 14, 2021 - Issue 1 (October 2021)
Biosafety and Biosecurity Collaboration in Kazakhstan through the German Biosecurity Programme and the Global Partnership, as published in Frontiers of Public Health (September 2021)
The vital importance of a web of prevention for effective biosafety and biosecurity, by Dr. Simon Whitby, Prof. Malcolm Dando, Prof. Graham Pearson and Tatyana Novossiolova (September 2021)
Biosecurity from an animal health perspective: A look at risks posed by African swine fever (ASF) and efforts to strengthen Veterinary Services’ capacity to prevent and control biological threats, by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (September 2021)
INTERPOL Bioterrorism Prevention Unit's activities to support the global law enforcement community, by INTERPOL (September 2021)
Biosecurity implications of SARS-CoV-2, Biosecurity Insight Newsletter (July 2021)
International Federation of Biosafety Associations updates Professional Certification in “Biocontainment Facility Design, Operations, and Maintenance”, with support from Canada and the United States (June 2021)
COVID-19: Stepping up Global Health Management, highlights OIE-led biosecurity projects supported by GP countries (June 2021)
Tunisia establishing agro-terrorism and agro-crime monitoring system, with support from Canada’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program (June 2021)
Africa CDC Report on Priorities for Strengthening Biosafety and Biosecurity, with support from Canada’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program (June 2021)
OIE launches first ever virtual PVS Pathway mission, with support from Canada’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program (March 2021)
GHSA Biosafety & Biosecurity Action Package Update (March 2021)
A Global Partnership to Mitigate Biological Threats (OIE Panorama: Responding to emergencies through preparedness and resilience, #2020-2)
Canada provides 120,000 N95 Masks to Vietnam (November 2020)
Canada National Statement to UN Security Council Open VTC on Pandemics and Security (July 2020)
Statement by UN Secretary General on the International Security Implications of COVID-19 (July 2020)
How Canada paved the road for COVID-19 testing in Ghana (June 2020)
The German Bio-security Program (June 2020)
International cooperation against agro-terrorism - OIE-FAO-INTERPOL initiative funded by Canada (June 2020)
Assistance with COVID-19 Diagnostics: the German Bio-Security Programme in the Sudan (May 2020)
Biosecurity: working together in the fight against COVID-19 (Germany, May 2020)
UN Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council on the COVID-19 Pandemic (April 2020)
GP Statement to the BTWC Meeting of States Parties (December 2018)
International Activities of Global Partnership Member Countries related to Article X of the BTWC (December 2018)
Inaugural Global Bio-security Dialogue (London, June 2018)
International Activities of Global Partnership Member Countries related to Article X of the BTWC (December 2017)
GP Statement on “Strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) through a reinforced intersessional work programme” (November 2017)
Download: GP CWC Compilation (2018-2023).pdf
Download: Press statement MFA y OAS National Authority BWC.pdf
Download: Global Congress Strategic Framework 2024-26 - EN Final Draft PDF.pdf
GP Counter WMD Disinformation Initiative: Chemical Weapons (July 2024)
France contributes €900,000 to OPCW (July 2024)
Sweden contributes 2 million Krona to support OPCW missions in Syria (June 2024)
Czechia contributes CZK 300,000 to support OPCW assistance and training in Africa (June 2024)
Canada contributes over $2 million CAD to support OPCW missions in Syria and activities in Ukraine (May 2024)
Chemical Security is a Global Responsibility, INTERPOL, CBNW Magazine (April 2024)
CHEMEX Africa 2023, CBNW Magazine (April 2024)
Addressing Current CWC Compliance Challenges, a CWC Coalition webinar supported by Canada and Germany (April 2024)
OPCW Video on Chemical Weapons Destruction (April 2024)
Japan contributes €190k to OPCW (March 2024)
Profile #2 of North Korea's Chemical Facilities, a RUSI project supported by Canada (February 2024)
OPCW Africa Bulletin: Volume 3, highlighting CHEMEX and other GP supported efforts in Africa (February 2024)
OPCW identifies ISIL as perpetrators of 2015 chemical attack in Syria (February 2024)
OPCW and EU sign MoU to strengthen collaboration (February 2024)
CHEMEX Africa 2023, OPCW overview and video (January 2024)
Korea contributes €63,000 to OPCW support peaceful uses of chemistry in Asia (January 2024)
Newsletter for the United Nations Secretary-General's Mechanism for the Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons (January 2024)
European Union contributes €5.35M to strengthen OPCW activities (December 2023)
Czechia contributes €10,000 to OPCW’s Ukraine assistance and protection programme (December 2023)
Netherlands contributes €500,000 to OPCW assistance and protection programmes for Ukraine (December 2023)
Germany contributes €496,000 to OPCW trust funds (December 2023)
Ireland Contributes €50,000 to OPCW Assistance and Protection Activities in Ukraine (October 2023)
2023 Global Congress on Chemical Security (October 2023)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland contributes over €1.1M to OPCW trust funds (October 2023)
Newsletter for the Secretary-General's Mechanism for the Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons (September 2023)
Statement by Canada on 10th anniversary of chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Syria (August 2023)
MATCH: Leveraging Blockchain for Chemical Weapons Nonproliferation (July 2023)
Australia contributes over €60,000 to OPCW missions in Syria (July 2023)
OPCW and United States sign new agreement to continue collaboration on activities related to the CWC (July 2023)
OPCW and Czech Republic Co-Organize Training on Chemical Emergency First Response (June 2023)
Czech Republic Contributes CZK 300,000 to OPCW Assistance and Protection Activities (May 2023)
GP Statement to Introduce Chemical Security Programming Compendium at the 5th CWC Review Conference (May 2023)
International Activities of GP Member Countries related to the CWC (May 2023)
GP Statement at 5th CWC Review Conference (May 2023)
Mapping DPRK’s Chemical Facilities: Ponghwa Chemical Factory, a report by RUSI supported by Canada (May 2023)
France Contributes €1.7M to OPCW Trust Funds (May 2023)
New Zealand Contributes Over €84,000 to the OPCW Trust Fund for Syria Missions (May 2023)
Korea Contributes to OPCW Trust Funds (February 2023)
Italy contributes €50,000 to OPCW ChemTech Centre (February 2023)
Spain Contributes €510,000 to enhance capacity building activities and strengthen OPCW security infrastructures (February 2023)
United States contributes $200,000 to OPCW missions in Syria (February 2023)
Preparing for Success at the Fifth CWC RevCon: A UNIDIR produced report, with support from the United Kingdom (February 2023)
Third Report by OPCW Investigation and Identification Team on Douma Chemical Attacks (February 2023)
OPCW and UK training to enhance chemical emergency response capacity in East Africa (January 2023)
OPCW and RoK advance chemical safety and security capacities in Asia (December 2022)
Germany contributes €400,000 to OPCW missions in Syria (December 2022)
Finland contributes €100,000 to OPCW missions in Syria (December 2022)
Spain contributes €200,000 to OPCW assistance and protection activities (November 2022)
Interpol Watchmaker Video on chemical crime and terrorism threats, produced with support from Canada (October 2022)
Czech Republic contributes CZK300,000 to OPCW’s Trust Fund for Article X Implementation (September 2022)
Ireland contributes €100,000 to OPCW’s Trust Fund for Syria Missions (September 2022)
Chile contributes €9,000 to OPCW for Article X implementation (September 2022)
Switzerland delivers chemical incidents course for first responders from 17 OPCW member states (July 2022)
United Kingdom contributes £500,000 to support OPCW programmes (July 2022)
New Zealand announces contribution of NZD 180,000 towards OPCW Programmes (June 2022)
Australia contributes AUD 350K to support OPCW programmes (June 2022)
Canada contributes €1.8M to strengthen OPCW programmes (May 2022)
France contributes €2.2M to OPCW voluntary trust funds (April 2022)
South Korea contributes €113K to OPCW ChemTech Centre (March 2022)
Supporting the Fight Against the Proliferation of Chemical Weapons Through Cheminformatics (March 2022)
OPCW Assistance and Training Cooperation in Africa (February 2022)
Newsletter of the Secretary-General’s Mechanism for the Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons (January 2022)
Denmark contributes €224,000 to OPCW Trust Funds (December 2021)
GP statement to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Conference of States Parties (November 2021)
Germany contributes €1 million towards OPCW ChemTech Centre training programmes (November 2021)
Czech Republic contributes CZK 300,000 to OPCW for assistance and protection training in Africa (November 2021)
USA contributes €165,000 to support customs control over toxic chemicals in Africa (November 2021)
United Kingdom contributes £750,000 in support of OPCW priorities (October 2021)
France contributes €230,000 to OPCW Programme for Africa (October 2021)
Norway contributes €24,800 to OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (September 2021)
Czech Republic contributes CZK 1M to OPCW’s Trust Fund for Syria Missions (September 2021)
Mexico contributes €5,000 to future OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (September 2021)
Enhancing the Utility of Codes of Conduct for Chemical and Biological Security through Active Learning, by Malcolm Dando, Maurizio Martellini, and Tatyana Novossiolova (September 2021)
European Union contributes €2.1M to OPCW business continuity (September 2021)
Chemical Weapons Munitions Deployed in the Syrian War, with support from Canada's Weapons Threat Reduction Program (July 2021)
France contributes €500,000 to support OPCW’s cybersecurity resilience (June 2021)
Ireland contributes €100,000 to OPCW’s Trust Fund for Syria Missions (June 2021)
Czech Republic and OPCW deliver First Responder Training for Eastern Europe (May 2021)
France Contributes €1M to OPCW’s Trust Fund for Syria Missions (May 2021)
New Zealand Contributes Further €100,000 to Future OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (May 2021)
Assad's Long Reach: The Syrian Arab Air Force at War (April 2021)
Philippines Contributes $15,000 to Future OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (April 2021)
France Contributes €200,000 to Future OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (March 2021)
The OPCW, in collaboration with Finland and Spain, delivers UK-funded capacity building training to member states in Latin America and the Caribbean (March 2021)
The Last Straw: How Chemical Weapons Impact Women and Break Communities (February 2021)
United Kingdom Contributes £29,000 to Support OPCW Training (January 2021)
G7 Foreign Ministers' statement on arrest and detention of Alexey Navalny (January 2021)
Germany Contributes €1M to Support OPCW’s Digital Resilience (December 2020)
USA Contributes $7M to Future OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (November 2020)
Germany Contributes further €500,000 to OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (November 2020)
Our Global Partnership Against Chemical Weapons Abuses, Remarks by Dr. Christopher Ford (Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, U.S Department to State) to the GPWG (November 2020)
UK Contributes Further £1M to Support OPCW’s Cyber Resilience and Centre for Chemistry and Technology (November 2020)
Switzerland Contributes €100,000 to OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (November 2020)
Final Report: Lessons Learned from the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism, funded by Canada and Switzerland (October 2020)
OPCW and Czech Republic train East African Responders on Chemical Emergencies (October 2020)
Korea Contributes €120,000 to OPCW (October 2020)
Canada Contributes further C$2.5M to OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (September 2020)
G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Poisoning of Alexei Navalny (September 2020)
OPCW Statement on Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use Against Alexei Navalny (September 2020)
Canada Condemns Alexei Navalny Poisoning (September 2020)
United Kingdom Contributes £800,000 to Support OPCW Activities (August 2020)
Japan Contributes €480,000 to OPCW's Trust Fund for Syria Missions (July 2020)
Finland Contributes €200,000 to Support OPCW Activities and Centre for Chemistry and Technology (July 2020)
UK Contributes £100,000 to Future OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (July 2020)
Statement by Canada on Second Anniversary of Chemical Weapons attacks in Syria (April 2019)
GP Statement to the CWC 4th Review Conference (November 2018)
International Activities of GP Member Countries related to the CWC (November 2018)
Canada Contributes $7.5M to Future OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology (October 2018)
UK Statement on Special Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (June 2018)
Canada welcomes OPCW actions to counter impunity for use of chemical weapons (June 2018)
Canada condemns reported chemical attack in eastern Ghouta (April 2018)
OPCW Praises Complete Destruction of Libya’s Chemical Weapon Stockpile (January 2018)
Canada Tweet on Libya CW destruction (January 2018)
Remove. Transport. Destroy: Achieving a Chemical Weapons-Free Libya (January 2018)
Condemnation of Chemical Weapons Use in Syria (October 2017)
Completion of CW Destruction in Russia (September 2017)
Supporting Madagascar's Commitment to Non-Proliferation (September 2024)
Unlocking the Value of OSINT in Customs Enforcement: A New Study Report by the World Customs Organization (September 2024)
The Center for Non-Proliferation Studies, Chile (August 2024)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 16 (July 2024)
CBRN Threats and Incidents Involving Non-State Actors, Annual Report, Swedish Defence Research Agency (June 2024)
GP WMD Counter Disinformation Initiative (June 2024)
G7 Leaders Declaration, Apulia, Italy (June 2024)
Statement of Participant Countries of the Ukraine CBRN Information Sharing Initiative (June 2024)
G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Communiqué – Addressing Global Challenges, Fostering Partnerships (April 2024)
Statement of the G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group (April 2024)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 15 (April 2024)
Response is failure in the primary mission of preventing CBW, a Global Partnership feature, The Trench (March 2024)
Canada announces additional CBRN support for Ukraine (February 2024)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 14 (January 2024)
Global Partnership Programming Annex (January 2024)
Press Release on Results of GPWG Plenary meeting in Nagasaki (November 2023)
With UNODA Support, Nigeria Convenes Multisectoral Meeting to Strengthen UNSCR 1540 Implementation (November 2023)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 13 (October 2023)
Cooperative Threat and Risk Reduction in a New Global Context, Remarks by Canada’s Associate Deputy Minister Cindy Termorshuizen (October 2023)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 12 (July 2023)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 11 (April 2023)
Canada commits further $12M to support Ukraine to counter CBRN threats (February 2023)
Addressing misconceptions about biological and chemical weapons and related legal frameworks: A VERTIC report, with support from the United Kingdom (January 2023)
UNODA issue 5th Newsletter, highlighting UNSGM Capstone Exercise held September 19-28 in Berlin (February, 2023)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 10 (January 2023)
Message from Japan as Incoming GP President (January 2023)
Global Partnership Programming Annex (December 2022)
End of Year Reflections from Germany as outgoing GP Presidency (December 2022)
Poster Presentations by GP partners from the GPWG and Biosecurity Conference, Berlin, Germany (October 2022)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 9 (October 2022)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 8 (June 2022)
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau announces $21.6M in WMD threat reduction programming at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Kigali, Rwanda (June 2022)
Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries, United States Department of Defense (June 2022)
A Prosecutor’s Guide to Chemical and Biological Crimes, a publication by UNICRI with support from the European Union (May 2022)
Statement of the G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group (May 2022)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 7 (March 2022)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 6 (December 2021)
Using Emerging Technologies to Reduce Proliferation Risks, a Global Partnership Feature by the Stimson Center (December 2021)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 5 (September 2021)
Effective and Comprehensive CBRN Security Risk Management in the 21st Century, by Maurizio Martellini and Tatyana Novossiolova for the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium Paper Series (September 2021)
How the EU made the world safer from nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in 2020: Annual WMD Report (July 2021)
Report on CBRNe Events in the World - Issue 05/2021, prepared by the Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence (June 2021)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 4 (June 2021)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 3 (March 2021)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 2 (December 2020)
CBRNE terror threat focus of new INTERPOL-UN initiative (November 2020)
Global Partnership Newsletter Issue No. 1 (September 2020)
18th Anniversary of the Global Partnership (June 2020)
How the WCO builds capacity to implement strategic trade controls (June 2020)